
Signing Hands Outreach

I've recently been trying to become active in our community. I know there are a lot of toddler classes we can go to and youth activities in the area. I will let you know what I find but this last week, we found Signing Hands Outreach.

We went to the AJ Library for "Baby Time." I had no idea what to expect, but when we got there, they were reading, singing songs and signing. Kayden had never really responded to signing in the past, but I actually think he picked up on a few things. After we got home, I tried to sign with him and he would look at his hands trying to figure it all out.

The woman who was teaching was fabulous! I was really impressed with her whole class. So if you want to learn more about the benefits of signing or see where and when her classes are held, her name is Katheryne.

If you're out of the area, check with your local library for when you can take your child to story time!

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