Adien and Kaylin
But we got a few sweet moments - this one is my favorite of the day.
Finally, he was so mad, his mama laid him on the grass and said, "ok, go to sleep!" and Aiden finally calmed down.
I think this is an awesome one of mama and baby - he kept wanting to look at the ducks, so she let him get close to the lakes edge to look.
Then he figured it was time to go off on his own.
Kaylin was a perfect model
It wasn't until we sat down for drinks that Aiden cracked a smile for us.
But then it was back to serious
I bought this frame at a Goodwill several weeks ago and brought it along to the park.
Star Wars according to a three year old
My first attempt at textures
*note: I've never met Jesh De Rox, so I have no idea if he would laugh at me or not...I assume he's very nice so I'm sure he wouldn't ... probably.
Check back soon for Mama Whitney, big brother Landen and baby Nora - we're hopefully shooting this weekend and I can't wait! :)
Signing Hands Outreach
We went to the AJ Library for "Baby Time." I had no idea what to expect, but when we got there, they were reading, singing songs and signing. Kayden had never really responded to signing in the past, but I actually think he picked up on a few things. After we got home, I tried to sign with him and he would look at his hands trying to figure it all out.
The woman who was teaching was fabulous! I was really impressed with her whole class. So if you want to learn more about the benefits of signing or see where and when her classes are held, her name is Katheryne.
If you're out of the area, check with your local library for when you can take your child to story time!
How To Make Larger Blogger Photos
I totally don't know if this is the best way or the only way to do this, but this is what I do, so hopefully it'll work for you. I am actually and html dummy.
Thats it!!
So you go from this:
To this:
Go ahead and experiment with larger ones than 5X7
Ok, so now the pictures won't fit in your margins...
My template is the "minima" one... if yours is different, I don't know if this will help... I hope it will though!
Start at your Dashboard
Click on "layout" or manage layout...
Up at the top, click on "edit html"
Click the box that says "expand widget templates"... pause and let the widgets expand...(can someone fill me in on what a widget is? It sounds like fun)
In the big box of text, scroll down to the part that looks like this:
/* Outer-Wrapper
In that little paragraph below, find the "width" and make the pixles bigger... I have mine set to 910 - which makes way for my photos and also the page elements on the right side - and gives the Babyhood color some room on both sides. just make sure you leave the px; after the number, so it should be something like :
width: 910px;
Then save template at the bottom and you're done!!!
let me know if this post was helpful to you - thanks for reading!
I love this one a lot - it has a definite musical feel to it.
We finally got her to put down the harmonica
One of my favorites of the day
Faith played some John Lee Hooker for us
I need to have a daughter just so I can fix her hair
Aren't mother's amazing?